

I asked AI about the history of ‘chicken ribs’ and how they are used.

The legend of 'chicken ribs' is attributed to Cao Cao, a general of the Wei dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period in ...

What is the overview and significance of the year in Japan? We also asked AI about the current era name, “Reiwa(令和)”.

This year is 2024. It is the year REIWA6(令和6年).I believe that the name of the Japanese era is a proof that Japan is an i...
Politics, Economics, Finance,

We asked AI about the issues in the Tokyo gubernatorial election.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government Gubernatorial Election is scheduled to be announced on June 20, 2024, with the vote to...
social sciences

I asked AI about freedom of expression and the problems it entails.

Freedom of expression is the right of individuals to freely express their opinions and ideas and to share information an...
Manga(Comic), Animation, Game,

What do you think will be the ending of the comic book “Oshi no ko”?

There are several predictions and considerations regarding the ending of the manga "Oshi no ko (The Guessing Child)", bu...

I translated the Imperial Rescript on Education.

the first sentence I, the Emperor, have often considered that since my ancestors, the first Emperor and successive Emper...