
natural science

I asked AI about the cost of installing smart devices to combat lone deaths.

Introduction. The cost of building a system that utilises smartwatches and smart rings to prevent isolated and lonely de...
social sciences

How Smart Devices Can Help with Lone Deaths, I Asked AI.

Introduction. Smartwatches and smart rings can be of great help in the prevention and rapid detection of isolated and lo...
social sciences

I asked AI about lonely and isolated deaths.

Overview of the Problem of Loneliness and Isolated Death Loneliness and isolated deaths are a phenomenon that has become...
social sciences

I asked the AI if it could tell the difference between someone dying with a smartwatch or smart ring on and someone just taking it off.

While smartwatches and smart rings cannot directly determine if the wearer is deceased, they can infer an abnormal condi...
natural science

I asked the AI whether smartwatches and smart rings could tell that they were off the body.

Modern smartwatches and smart rings also have the ability to detect if a device is removed from the body. This feature e...
natural science

I asked AI about the function of smartwatches and smart rings on the body.

Modern smartwatches and smart rings offer a variety of biometric measurement capabilities. Below is a summary of the mai...
natural science

I asked the AI what happens to the body after a person dies.

After a person dies, the body undergoes a series of changes, including 1 Cessation of breathingBreathing stops and the b...
natural science

I asked the AI what happens to the body when a person is dying.

When a person is dying, the body undergoes a number of changes. The following are some of the common changes 1 Decreased...
natural science

I asked the AI about the ‘welcoming phenomenon’ that people experience at the point of death.

The "welcoming phenomenon" refers to the supposed appearance of deceased persons or religious beings at the time of deat...
social sciences

I asked AI what the lyrics to globe’s ‘FACES PLACES’ meant.

I was listening to this song and wondered why it came out '1970' or something like that, so I listened to it. AI's answe...