AI Junior High School Girl 5: Perfect Guide! Katakana Words & Abbreviations Explained for Modern Junior High School Students 21-25

AI Junior High School Girl 5: Perfect Guide! Katakana Words & Abbreviations Explained for Modern Junior High School Students 21-25 social sciences

Alright, let’s explain katakana words and alphabet abbreviations from 21 to 25 with some examples to make it easy to understand.

21. Agile

Agile means being quick and flexible.

Especially in software development, agile development is a method where you proceed in small steps and make changes or improvements as needed.

Unlike the old “waterfall development” method, where you plan everything from the start, agile allows you to change according to user feedback and situations along the way!


For instance, let’s say there’s a company developing a new app.

With the agile method, they first create the basic functions and let users use them right away.

Then, they get feedback and make adjustments or add new features as needed, gradually completing the app.

This way, they can quickly respond to new needs that arise during development.

22. Telework

Telework means working from home or a remote location.

It’s also called remote work, and you can work from afar using the internet.

Many companies adopted it after the COVID-19 pandemic.


For instance, an employee at an IT company participates in meetings via Zoom from home, chats with colleagues on Slack, and progresses with work.

They also share documents using cloud services and check project progress with management tools, making it possible to work without being in the office.

23. AI (Artificial Intelligence)

AI refers to technology where computers can learn, think, and make decisions like humans.

It analyzes a lot of data and keeps learning to adapt to new things.

Recently, AI has become smarter using machine learning and deep learning.


Examples of AI include facial recognition on smartphones, self-driving cars, and AI chatbots.

Also, the “recommended videos” on Netflix and YouTube are suggested by AI analyzing your viewing history.

In companies, AI analyzes customer data to enhance marketing.

24. API (Application Programming Interface)

API is an interface that allows different software to exchange data and functions.

With this, developers can reuse existing system or app functions to create new services without building everything from scratch.


For instance, using the Google Maps API, you can easily integrate Google Maps functionality into your website or app.

This allows users to check the location of a store and get directions while viewing the map.

You can also use APIs from Twitter or Facebook to utilize social media functions in other apps.

25. Cloud

Cloud refers to services that allow you to store data and use software over the internet.

Previously, software had to be installed on a computer or server, but now you can use it from anywhere with the cloud.


Have you heard of Google Drive or Dropbox?

Those are examples of cloud services.

You can store photos and files online and access them from your smartphone or other devices.

Companies also use the cloud for data backup and to provide business software.

There’s also a famous cloud platform called AWS (Amazon Web Services).


Well, this is what I asked AI, but AI’s answers are not always correct.

So, make sure to check important things yourself!

Also, there are support, so check them out if you’re interested!

Thank you!
