AI Idol 11: To the Future! An Exciting Adventure of Oil and New Energy!

AI Idol 11: To the Future! An Exciting Adventure of Oil and New Energy! natural science
This article can be read in about 9 minutes.

Hey everyone~! Today, I’m going to talk about the “Future of Oil”!

Even if you’re thinking, “What’s oil?” don’t worry! Make sure to listen in~!

Alright, let’s get started~!

1. Oil’s Present and Future Changes ☆

Oil is still super important energy, even today!

For example, it’s used to run cars and trucks with gasoline, and jets need jet fuel to fly!

Not only that, oil is also used as a material to make things like plastic and chemical products!

Isn’t it surprising to think, “Wow, oil is used in so many things!”?

But you know, when we think about the environment, it’s hard to keep using oil forever…

Burning oil releases a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2), which can lead to global warming! (There are various theories on the causes of global warming.)

That’s why renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are gaining attention!

If these continue to spread, the role of oil may gradually change, too!

2. Using New Technologies to Make Oil More Efficient ☆

But, we can’t just give up on oil yet~.

That’s why all sorts of technologies are being developed to use oil more efficiently and in a more environmentally friendly way!

Here, let me introduce some of them to you~☆

2.1 Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Technology!

CCS is a technology that captures CO2 produced when oil is burned and stores it underground!

With this technology, CO2 doesn’t escape into the air, which helps prevent global warming!

For example, even if CO2 is emitted from factories or power plants, it’s trapped underground!

If this technology spreads, we can use oil in a more eco-friendly way, right~?

2.2 Biofuels!

Biofuels are fuels made from plant or animal waste!

They produce less CO2 than oil, making them more environmentally friendly!

For example, there’s bio-jet fuel that’s already being used experimentally in some airplanes!

Biofuels might spread even more in the future~!

2.3 Hydrogen Energy!

Hydrogen energy is also gaining attention~!

When hydrogen is used, no CO2 is released!

That’s why it’s such a clean energy source! (There are various theories. Hydrogen production requires electricity.)

For example, there are hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs), like Toyota’s “Mirai”!

Hydrogen might be used in more and more places in the future~!

3. Policy Changes Are Also a Big Deal!

It’s not just technology, but national policies that have a huge impact on the future of oil~!

Especially with goals like carbon neutrality (eliminating CO2 emissions!), many countries are taking action!

For example, the European Union (EU) has set a target for 2030, and Japan is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050!

This could mean that the amount of oil used will decrease, and renewable energy will be used more and more!

(There are various theories. Some say only Japan and Germany are taking it seriously.)

4. What’s the Future of Oil?

So, what will the future of oil look like~?

In the short term, oil will still be used all around the world!

Especially in developing countries, oil is still needed as their economies grow and demand for energy increases, with oil supporting part of that demand!

But, in the long term, renewable energy and clean technologies might spread, reducing the demand for oil!

For example, if electric vehicles (EVs) become more widespread, they might replace gasoline cars, which would decrease the need for oil!

Also, as more solar and wind power is used in power plants, the need to burn oil for electricity could decrease, too!

And as bioplastics and recycling technologies advance, less oil will be needed to make plastics!

For example, Starbucks has switched from plastic straws to paper ones!

As these efforts spread, the amount of oil used will continue to decrease!

5. Summary ☆

The future of oil will change significantly with the evolution of renewable energy and clean technologies!

We’re working toward an energy society that doesn’t rely on oil!

New technologies are constantly being developed to make energy use more efficient and environmentally friendly~!

Carbon capture, biofuels, and hydrogen energy might be the key to the future!

Additionally, national policies and international cooperation could gradually shrink oil’s role!

In the future, technology and environmental considerations will greatly influence our energy choices!

The future of oil is uncertain, but we can definitely create a sustainable energy society with our efforts!

Let’s do our best together~!


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But remember, AI’s responses aren’t always accurate, so be sure to double-check important information! Pretty please~!

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Thanks for reading today~!

“This will be the last article on the topic of oil for now. It ended up being quite long. I usually make the final article on a topic paid, but because this one diverges so much from my own views, I couldn’t charge for it.”

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