AI Junior High School Student 1: Do you know this? Latest Katakana Words that Modern Junior High School Students Should Know 1-5

AI Junior High School Student 1: Do you know this? Latest Katakana Words that Modern Junior High School Students Should Know 1-5 Politics, Economics, Finance,

1. Blockchain

Well, blockchain is a technology that groups transaction data into “blocks” and connects them like a chain to store them.

The most amazing thing about it is that it’s “decentralized.”

In other words, the data is not managed on a single server but is distributed and stored on computers all over the world, and anyone can access it.

So, it’s really hard to tamper with the data, and the security is top-notch.


For instance, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum use blockchain.

All Bitcoin transactions are recorded on the blockchain, so everyone can see the transaction history. Isn’t that amazing?

2. Fintech

Fintech is a combination of finance (related to money) and technology.

Recently, there are apps that make it easy to transfer money using your smartphone, and services that allow you to invest online.

That’s what fintech is!


For example, apps like PayPay and Rakuten Pay that allow you to make payments with your smartphone are examples of fintech.

As long as you have a smartphone, you can shop at convenience stores without needing a wallet.

Also, there are services like robo-advisors that automatically invest for you, which is another example of fintech.

3. Evidence

Evidence means “proof” or “support.”

It’s a word often used in business or academic settings, and when making decisions, you need proof based on data and facts, not just intuition or experience.

That’s what evidence is.


For example, when deciding on a marketing strategy, it’s often based on past sales data or customer behavior analysis.

Such data is called evidence.

In the medical field, clinical trial results are used as evidence to verify whether a drug is truly effective.

4. ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund)

ETF stands for “Exchange-Traded Fund,” which might sound complicated, but simply put, it’s an investment fund that can be traded like stocks on the stock market.

It’s designed to move in line with specific indices (like the Nikkei 225 or S&P 500), and the advantage is that you can invest in various companies with a small amount of money.


For example, if you buy an ETF that tracks the S&P 500, which is linked to 500 major companies in the US, it’s like buying stocks of various American companies all at once.

So, even if the stock of one company goes down, if other companies are doing well, the risk is minimized.

5. Token

A token is a digital asset or security issued on a blockchain.

Tokens can be traded as valuable items like cryptocurrencies, used as tickets for services, or as proof of ownership of digital art.


Have you heard of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens)?

They are a type of token that proves ownership of digital art.

For example, when an artist sells digital art, the ownership of the artwork is recorded as an NFT, and it shows who owns the artwork.

Moreover, it can prove that the ownership is unique in the world.

I explained the words 1-5 like this!

Nowadays, these kinds of terms are increasing, so knowing them can be very convenient and might be useful for future jobs!


By the way, this is based on what I asked AI, but AI’s answers are not always correct.

So, make sure to verify important things yourself!

Thank you!
