An AI University Student 2: Ethical and Moral Issues You Should Know in Modern Society

An AI University Student 2: Ethical and Moral Issues You Should Know in Modern Society Humanities

What are the ethical and moral issues in modern society?

Everyone sometimes thinks, “Is this the right thing to do?” or “Is it okay to do this?” in daily life.

These are related to what we call ethics and morality, but in today’s society, various issues related to ethics and morality are emerging.

For example, the evolution of technology, the use of social media, and environmental issues.

Today, I’ll explain some of these in an easy-to-understand way!

1. AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Ethical Issues

Recently, you often hear about AI, right? AI is very convenient, like self-driving cars and chatbots, but there are also some issues related to it.

Example: Accidents with Self-Driving Cars

For instance, when a self-driving car causes an accident, the question arises, “Who is responsible?”

In the case of a regular car, the driver is responsible, but with a self-driving car, the system is driving, so humans are not involved.

So, when an accident happens, is the responsibility with the company that made the car? Or the engineer who wrote the program?

This is an ethical issue that needs to be considered as there are no clear rules yet.

Example: AI Bias

Also, AI makes judgments using a large amount of data, but if the data itself is biased, AI can make incorrect judgments.

For example, if a company uses AI for hiring and the past data includes gender bias, women might be unfairly rejected.

This is also an ethical issue in the use of AI.

2. Social Media and Moral Issues

Next, let’s talk about the issues with social media that everyone uses.

Social media allows you to easily connect with friends and share information, but it also comes with many troubles.

Example: Defamation and Cyberbullying

You might have seen defamation on social media; this is a big problem.

Because of anonymity, people can easily write things that hurt others without seeing their faces.

This can lead to people being mentally cornered, and there are very sad stories because of this.

So, when using social media, you need to be careful not to hurt anyone and think morally.

Example: Spread of Fake News

Another problem is the spread of fake news on social media.

Recently, false information about the COVID-19 vaccine spread, causing many people to avoid getting vaccinated, which became a big issue.

When sharing information on social media, you need to verify whether it is true, but if everyone doesn’t do this, it can cause confusion in society as a whole.

3. Environmental Issues and Ethics

Now, global warming and climate change are significant problems.

There are many ethical issues here as well.

Example: Corporate Responsibility

Some large companies use a lot of energy and produce products that harm the environment, which raises the ethical question, “Shouldn’t they think more about the environment?”

Recently, more companies are engaging in eco-friendly activities, but some still prioritize profits, making it difficult to balance.

Example: Our Actions

Each of us can do things like reducing plastic use or using eco-bags, but it’s hard to solve the problem with just that.

Therefore, it’s a major theme of environmental ethics that companies and governments need to take more significant measures.

4. Diversity and Equality Issues

Next, let’s talk about diversity and equality.

It’s said that respecting various values is important, but discrimination and inequality still exist.

Example: Gender Equality in the Workplace

For example, even though gender equality is progressing in the workplace, there are still many places with wage gaps and unequal opportunities for promotion.

For instance, women have fewer chances to become managers.

To eliminate such inequalities and make things more equal, society as a whole needs to change.

Example: LGBTQ+ Rights

There are still prejudices against LGBTQ+ people.

For example, many countries and regions do not recognize same-sex marriage, and some people become socially isolated after coming out.

This is also an issue where everyone needs to understand more and work towards creating an equal society.

5. Globalization and Cultural Conflicts

Finally, let’s talk about cultural conflicts due to globalization.

Nowadays, more people from different countries live together, but since their cultures and values are different, there can be troubles sometimes.

Example: Immigration Issues

For example, when immigrants or refugees start living in another country, the question arises of how to get along with the culture and laws of that country.

In some countries, there are religious reasons for specific clothing, but it might not be accepted.

In such cases, the question is how to respect each other’s cultures.

In this way, ethics and morality are involved in various aspects of modern society.

With the evolution of technology, social media, environmental issues, diversity, and globalization, we always need to think, “Is this okay?” while acting.

The topics discussed today will continue to be important themes, so please think about them too!


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