After a person dies, the body undergoes a series of changes, including

1 Cessation of breathing
Breathing stops and the body’s oxygen supply is cut off.
2 Heart stops beating
This means the blood flow that was sending oxygen to organs and tissues throughout the body stops.
3 The body becomes cold
After death, the body temperature drops by about 0.8 degrees Celsius per hour and eventually becomes equal to the ambient temperature.

4 Muscles become loose
Muscles throughout the body relax, which causes defecation and urination.
5 Blood floods out
Blood vessels break down and blood begins to flow throughout the body.
This causes the face and body to begin to discolour.
6 Fluid drainage
Over time, fluid may spill out of body openings and wounds.

7 Appearance of dead spots
The skin loses its blood colour due to the cessation of blood circulation. Around 30 minutes after death, gravity causes blood to pool on the back side of the body when lying down.
Purple spots (death spots) appear on the skin.
It begins 30 minutes to several hours after death and is fixed after 8-12 hours.
8 Rigor mortis occurs
After cardiopulmonary arrest, the muscles begin to become rigid about two hours after death, and even the limbs become rigid at eight hours.
It then peaks in a further 10 hours.
This condition lasts for about three days.

9 Decomposition
Cells gradually begin to die as the oxygen supply is cut off.
Intracellular enzymes break down the cell membrane and cellular fluid leaks out.
After the peak of rigour mortis, decomposition begins in the digestive system of the stomach and intestines and spreads throughout the body.
Bacteria and micro-organisms break down the body’s tissues and produce gases.
This causes the body to swell and a foul odour is produced.
The putrefactive gases also cause the body to turn blue or black in colour.
10 Maggots and bacteria invade the body
Attracted by the putrid odour, flies hang around and lay eggs in the body.

11 Butyric acid fermentation occurs
Between 20 and 50 days after death, butyric acid fermentation begins to occur, causing the flesh to separate from the bones and dry out.
12 Drying
After death, the body surface becomes dry, especially the face, as the body loses its surface hydration.
13 Ossification
Eventually, the flesh and muscle are broken down, leaving only bone.
The above phenomena occur, but the specific circumstances may vary depending on individual physical condition and environmental conditions.
In addition, these phenomena are general and do not necessarily apply to all people. Please understand.

This text is based on asking the AI; the AI’s answers may not always be correct. Important information should be checked.
#asked AI #AI Illustration