the first sentence
I, the Emperor, have often considered that since my ancestors,
the first Emperor and successive Emperors,
began to rule and nurture our nation by the command of God (shin-imperial decree),
our nation has become very large and spacious and has also firmly established what is the right conduct for human beings from the depths of our hearts.
You, the people, who are very precious treasures to me,

the Emperor, have been able to become the virtuous nation that you are today after a long time by fully devoting your hearts to the world and to others,
and by being fully filial and united in your hearts,
though you all have been united in your hearts,
I sincerely believe that this is a characteristic of the way our country is,
and that this is the essential and fundamental nature of education.
(It is a country called Japan that is dedicated to the happiness of its people, and Japan is a country that is well educated)

Main text
I ask you, the people of Japan,
to keep the following in mind. (Take good care of those around you.)
Continue to study and acquire knowledge so that you can do your work better and better,
and thereby deepen your knowledge and judgment of things,
and when you have perfected your righteous conduct as a human being and your talents in an honorable manner,
take the initiative to act for the benefit of the world and do what you must do now for the world and for others.
Do whatever you must do now for the good of the world and others. (Use the knowledge you have gained for the good of the world.)
(Always obey and uphold the Constitution and laws, and if a great disaster should happen to our country,
let us use our courage for the sake of justice and devote ourselves to our country,
and protect our country as one,
where the people can be united by having the Imperial Family at the center of the country.

(Serve for the nation.
This is not only because you are honorable people who love our country with all your hearts,
but also because you can show the world the splendor of our country,
which has continued since our ancestors.
I believe that these principles have been handed down by the first emperor and successive emperors,
and that all of you, the people of Japan,
who have lived from ancient times to the present,
should work together to uphold these teachings,
which I believe are universal in all ages and can be spread throughout the world. the last sentence

These principles have been handed down by the first emperor and successive emperors,
and I believe that all of you, the people of Japan,
who have lived from ancient times to the present,
should work together to uphold these teachings,
and I believe that they are universal and can be spread throughout the world at any time and in any age.
I, the Emperor, together with you, the people,
will try to remember to observe and always do such teachings,
and I sincerely hope that every citizen will do the right thing as such a person.
I hereby write these words as the words of the Meiji Emperor, October 30, 1890.

Thanks for reading.