Specified Commercial Transaction Law

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Statement based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions

Operator Name (Name of the Selling Company): MAEDA Taku
Address: Will be provided without delay upon request.
Phone Number: Will be provided without delay upon request.
Email Address: mugenkenkou115@gmail.com
Contact Method: Please contact us primarily via email.
Responsible Manager: MAEDA Taku
Additional Fees: None
Exchange and Return (Refund Policy): Since this is for donations or tips, exchanges or refunds are not accepted.
Delivery Period: Not applicable.
Accepted Payment Methods: The payment options include credit card payments via [Buy me a coffee], as well as credit cards, debit cards, prepaid credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and convenience store payments via [codoc].
Payment Period: Payment is confirmed at the time of application.
Sales Price: The amount is optional.
Additional Costs Besides Product Price: None.

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