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natural science

AI Sister 3: Einstein’s Influence on Modern Times

AI Sister 3: Einstein's Influence on Modern Times
natural science

AI Sister 2: Gently Teaching Us Fascinating Episodes About Einstein

AI Sister 2: Gently Teaching Us Fascinating Episodes About Einstein
natural science

AI Sister 1 – will gently share with you the life of the genius physicist “Einstein.”

AI Sister 1 - will gently share with you the life of the genius physicist "Einstein."
social sciences

The AI Cheerleader 4 even cheered for the future of “24-Hour Television”!

The AI Cheerleader 4 even cheered for the future of "24-Hour Television"!
social sciences

The AI Cheerleader 3 will cheerfully support you, full of energy, even regarding the criticisms and debates about “24-Hour Television”!

The AI Cheerleader 3 will cheerfully support you, full of energy, even regarding the criticisms and debates about "24-Hour Television"!
social sciences

AI cheerleader 2 – They energetically told us about the results and impact of the 24-Hour Television!

AI cheerleader 2 - They energetically told us about the results and impact of the 24-Hour Television!
social sciences

AI Cheerleaders 1 Energetic cheerleaders cheered for “24-Hour Television”.

AI Cheerleaders 1 Energetic cheerleaders cheered for “24-Hour Television”.

AI Female Teacher (5) Taught Me Yukichi Fukuzawa’s “An Encouragement of Learning”

AI Female Teacher (5) Taught Me Yukichi Fukuzawa's "An Encouragement of Learning"

The AI female teacher (4) taught me about Yukichi Fukuzawa.

The AI female teacher (4) taught me about Yukichi Fukuzawa.
natural science

AI Female Teacher (3) kindly taught us about Shibasaburo Kitasato.

AI Female Teacher (3) kindly taught us about Shibasaburo Kitasato.
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