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social sciences

AI Cheerleaders 1 Energetic cheerleaders cheered for “24-Hour Television”.

AI Cheerleaders 1 Energetic cheerleaders cheered for “24-Hour Television”.

AI Female Teacher (5) Taught Me Yukichi Fukuzawa’s “An Encouragement of Learning”

AI Female Teacher (5) Taught Me Yukichi Fukuzawa's "An Encouragement of Learning"

The AI female teacher (4) taught me about Yukichi Fukuzawa.

The AI female teacher (4) taught me about Yukichi Fukuzawa.
natural science

AI Female Teacher (3) kindly taught us about Shibasaburo Kitasato.

AI Female Teacher (3) kindly taught us about Shibasaburo Kitasato.

Umeko Tsuda Was a Pretty Cure! What Two Heroines Have in Common.

Umeko Tsuda Was a Pretty Cure! What Two Heroines Have in Common.

The AI female teacher (2) kindly taught me about Umeko Tsuda.

The AI female teacher (2) kindly taught me about Umeko Tsuda.

AI Female Teacher (1) kindly explains Eiichi Shibusawa.

AI Female Teacher (1) kindly explains Eiichi Shibusawa.
Manga(Comic), Animation, Game,

AI Precure 4: Big Predictions for the Future of Precure! New Adventures and Evolution Await!

AI Precure 4: Big Predictions for the Future of Precure! New Adventures and Evolution Await!
Manga(Comic), Animation, Game,

AI Precure 3: The Impact of Precure on Society – Why It Captivates Girls’ Hearts

AI Precure 3: The Impact of Precure on Society – Why It Captivates Girls’ Hearts
Manga(Comic), Animation, Game,

AI Precure 2: A Deep Dive into Precure’s Media Mix Expansion!

AI Precure 2: A Deep Dive into Precure’s Media Mix Expansion!
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