HistoryI asked AI about the proper nouns in Japan in the “Later Han Shu” (後漢書) Biography of the East. I asked AI about the proper nouns in Japan in the “Later Han Shu” (後漢書) Biography of the East. 2024.07.18History
HistoryAfter all, what does the Later Han Book say about Japan (ancient Japan)?I asked AI. After all, what does the Later Han Book say about Japan (ancient Japan)?I asked AI. 2024.07.17History
HistoryThe descriptions of Japan in the Eastern Barbarian Biography of the Later Han Shu were examined. The descriptions of Japan in the Eastern Barbarian Biography of the Later Han Shu were examined. 2024.07.16History
HistoryI have examined the descriptions of Japan in the Geography of Japan in the Han Shu. I have examined the descriptions of Japan in the Geography of Japan in the Han Shu. 2024.07.15History
HistoryI asked AI what the Chinese history books say about Japan. I asked AI what the Chinese history books say about Japan. 2024.07.14History
social sciencesWhat is village ostracism, I asked the AI. What is village ostracism, I asked the AI. 2024.07.12social sciences
deathI asked AI how much it would cost to address the lonely deaths of all elderly and disabled people in Japan using smart devices. I asked AI how much it would cost to address the lonely deaths of all elderly and disabled people in Japan using smart devices. 2024.07.11death
deathI asked AI about the cost of installing smart devices to combat lone deaths. I asked AI about the cost of installing smart devices to combat lone deaths. 2024.07.10death
deathI asked the AI if it could tell the difference between someone dying with a smartwatch or smart ring on and someone just taking it off. I asked the AI if it could tell the difference between someone dying with a smartwatch or smart ring on and someone just taking it off. 2024.07.07death
social sciencesI asked AI what the lyrics to globe’s ‘FACES PLACES’ meant. I asked AI what the lyrics to globe's 'FACES PLACES' meant. 2024.07.01social sciences